
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

89% of Gazans support shooting rockets at Israeli civilians, 16% of French support ISIS (update)

The latest Palestinian Center for Public Opinion poll, released today, asks this question from adults in Gaza.

Would you please tell us your opinion about the issue of firing rockets at Israel?”

60.3 % said “I strongly support that
28.6 % said “I support that

1.4 % said “I oppose that” and
1.0 % said “I strongly oppose that”

8.7% were undecided or answered "I don't know."

Peace is at hand.

Speaking of polls,

One in six French citizens sympathises with the Islamist militant group ISIS, also known as Islamic State, a poll released this week found.

The poll of European attitudes towards the group, carried out by ICM for Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya, revealed that 16% of French citizens have a positive opinion of ISIS. This percentage increases among younger respondents, spiking at 27% for those aged 18-24.

Here's the bizarre part: According to most, only about 10% of France is Muslim.

So even if every single Muslim in France supports Islamic extremists - one in 15 non-Muslims in France do as well!

Either the poll is very flawed, there are many more Muslims in France than being reported, or France is one-messed up country.

(h/t K)

UPDATE: Commenters are pointing out that the source of the poll of France is more than suspect  it is the Russian government news agency.